Uploading a Sample Certificate

This method will allow you to upload a sample certificate and add the required policies based on the sample.

To begin, drop down “Certificates” and click “Manager”.

Within the Certificate Manager, click “Create Certificate”.

Select “Sample Certificate” and select the sample certificate you want to upload. Click “Create Certificate”.

This will bring you to the Certificate Editor, which is split in two sections – the COI resources on the left and a preview of the ACORD form itself on the right.

The certificate preview on the right provides a real-time display of any additions and edits you make to a certificate.

The GREY selectors indicate areas on the certificate that you can interact with and modify.

You can customize or modify your certificate of insurance by choosing any of the following grey selectors:

  • Agency contact name, number, and email
  • Named Insured
  • Certificate policies
  • Description of Operations
  • Certificate Holder
  • Signature

When a sample certificate is uploaded, a copy of the sample certificate you just uploaded will be available for reference within the Sample Certificate tab of the COI resources.

Click to Continue to “Updating the Agency Contact"


Click to review the Anatomy of the Certificate Editor"