Updating the Named Insured

Learn how to SELECT an existing Named Insured, EDIT an existing Named Insured, and ADD a new Named Insured.

Within the Insured section of the certificate, click “Select Named Insured(s)”.

You will now be able to update the Named Insured within the Certificate Editor.

Selecting an Existing Named Insured

To select an existing Named Insured, click the First Named Insured.

You can scroll through the list of the existing Named Insureds…

…Or type ahead to find the Named Insured you would like to select.

You can also add Additional Named Insured(s) to be reflected on the certificate.
Click on the “Additional Named Insured(s)” dropdown and selected the additional Named Insured(s) you’d like shown.

Edit an Existing Named Insured

To edit an existing Named Insured, select the desired entity and click “Edit Existing”.

Within the edit form, proceed with the revisions and click “Save”.

PLEASE NOTE: To edit any Additional Named Insureds, follow these same steps.

Adding a New Named Insured

To add a new Named Insured, click “Add New”.

Within the create form, fill out the applicable fields and click “Save”.

Once you have selected, revised, or added a Named Insured, click “Update Certificate” to reflect the change to the certificate.

The First Named Insured on the certificate has been updated:

Any Additional Named Insured(s) will show in the Description of Operation:


Continue to “Updating the Policies"


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