Updating the Holder

Learn how to SELECT an existing Holder, EDIT an existing Holder, and ADD a new Holder.

Within the Certificate Holder section of the certificate, click “Select/Add Holder”.

You can select any Holder that has historically been entered by your agency. You can also add a new Holder.

Selecting an Existing Holder

To select an existing Holder, click the Holder name.

You can scroll through the list of the existing Holders…

…Or type ahead to find the Holder you would like to select.

Once you have selected the Holder, you can choose to show the address already on file for that Holder, or to forego showing an address.

Edit an Existing Holder

To edit an existing Holder, select the desired Holder and click “Edit Existing”.

Within the Holder name edit form, proceed with the revising the name of the Holder. If you need to update the Holder address, click “Edit”.

Within the Holder address edit form, proceed with the revisions, and click “Update Address”.

Back on the Edit Holder screen, when all revisions are complete, click “Save”.

Add a New Holder

To add a new Certificate Holder, click “Add New”.

Enter the new Holder name.

To add an address to show on the certificate, click “Add Address”.

Fill out the address form and click “Add Address”.

Once you have selected, revised, or added a Holder, click “Update Certificate” to reflect the change to the certificate.

The Holder on the certificate has been updated:

Your Holder is now reflected on the certificate.

Continue to “Updating the Signature"


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