Updating and Adding Endorsements

Learn how to create endorsement forms, utilize endorsement tagging, add and edit endorsements, and update endorsements on certificates.

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Certificate Hero offers your agency the ability to create an Endorsement Form Library that can be reused amongst all your insureds.

This allows you to create endorsements and utilize the Certificate Hero endorsement tagging to apply specified information on an endorsement each time it is selected to be attached to a certificate. This tagging can include the policy number, policy effective and/or expiration date, and Named Insured.

With the Certificate Hero Endorsement Form Library and endorsement tagging, your agency will save valuable time reusing an endorsement form that was uploaded one time for all your Insureds that is then personalized for that specific insured and corresponding policy. This makes managing your endorsements efficient and simple, as you no longer need to upload the same endorsement 50 different times that was manually updated with 50 different insured’s information on it.

Endorsement Manager and Endorsement Form Library

To access the Endorsement Manager, on the left menu drop down “Managers” and click “Endorsements”.

All endorsements your agency has created will be found in the Endorsement Manager.

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Create an Endorsement

To create a new endorsement, click “Create Endorsement”.

On the next screen, click “Select Endorsement Form”.

This will take you to the Endorsement Form Library where all endorsement forms added by your agency will display.

You can search for an existing endorsement form using the search bar and/or filter at the top left or scroll through the list that populated.

The far-right column will indicate whether there is an existing policy that was uploaded into Certificate Hero for the existing endorsement form.

If you are unable to locate the endorsement form you would like to use in your library, you can upload an endorsement file and create a new form.

To do this, click “Create Endorsement Form” in the upper right corner.

On the next screen you will be prompted to fill out the required fields. These fields include:

  • Form Name
  • Form Number
  • Edition Date
  • Line of Business the form applies to
  • Coverage

You will also be prompted to attach a copy of the endorsement file you wish to use.

Once all required fields are filled out and the endorsement file is uploaded, click “Save” to continue.

You will be brought back to your Endorsement Form Library and your newly added endorsement form will display.

You can also use the search bar at the top to locate the new endorsement form you just added.

Once you have selected your endorsement form, click “Select Endorsement Form” in the lower right corner to continue with creating your endorsement.

Enter a name for the endorsement and select the policy the applicable endorsement corresponds with.

You can either click to use the endorsement file that is linked to the endorsement form you selected or select to upload a new file.

Once you have completed the required fields, click “Save” to save the endorsement to your library.

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Endorsement Tagging

While creating your endorsement form, you can also add endorsement tagging to pull specified information to be reference on the endorsement each time it is attached to a certificate.

You can select to reference the policy number, effective and expiration dates, and/or the Named Insured.

To apply the endorsement tagging to your endorsement form, click the + (plus) symbol next to each tagging option.

With each tag you select to add, you can move the field where you would like the information to be referenced on the endorsement.

In our example below, we are showing all tags in the upper right corner of the endorsement.

For each tag you have selected, a save icon () will replace the + (plus) symbol indicating the tag has been added to the endorsement form.

When you have selected the desired endorsement tags, click “Save”.

You will be brought back to your Endorsement Form Library and your newly added endorsement form with endorsement tagging included will display.

You can also use the search bar at the top to locate the new endorsement form you just added.

Once you have selected your endorsement form, click “Select Endorsement Form” in the lower right corner to continue with creating your endorsement.

Enter a name for the endorsement and select the policy the applicable endorsement corresponds with.

You can either click to use the endorsement file that is linked to the endorsement form you selected or select to upload a new file.

Once you have completed the required fields, click “Save” to save the endorsement to your library.

You will also see the endorsement tagging indicators in the upper left corner of the endorsement preview on the left. This will provide a preview of where the specified information will pull once the endorsement is attached to a certificate.

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Actions Menus

Once you have saved your endorsement, you will be brought back to your Endorsement Manager and your new endorsement will display.

Unless you need to take additional action on the endorsement, at this stage the endorsement is now ready to be attached to a certificate while during the processing flow.

If you need to make edits to the endorsement, select the endorsement you’d like to edit.

You can either click the actions menu on the far right, or select one of the options that populates on the top of the manager once you’ve selected an endorsement.

The actionable items are:

  • Edit: This allows you to revise an endorsement.
  • Clone: This allows you to make an exact copy of the endorsement.
  • Delete: This will permanently remove the endorsement from your Endorsement Manager. If you delete an endorsement, you will not be able to locate the endorsement in the future using the search or filter options.
  • Deactivate: This will deactivate the endorsement but not permanently remove if from your Endorsement Manager. If you need to locate a deactivated endorsement, you can use your search or filter options.

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Adding an Endorsement to a Certificate of Insurance

Now that we have created our endorsement, let’s add it to a certificate of insurance.

After you have started your certificate, while in the Certificate Editor, above the ACORD form on the right you will see an Endorsements drop down and an Endorsement Counter.

The Endorsements dropdown will take you into the endorsement selector, and the Endorsement counter will indicate how many endorsements are attached to the certificate.

Click the Endorsements dropdown to select or remove the endorsements.

Any endorsements that appear greyed out cannot be attached to the certificate because the line of business is not referenced on the certificate. This is a guardrail in place to avoid inadvertently attaching an unnecessary endorsement.

All available endorsements that can be attached to the certificate can be added by clicking the + (plus) symbol to the right of the endorsement.

Once the required endorsements are selected, you will see them moved from the “Unselected” box on the left, to the “Selected” box on the right, indicating they are ready to be attached to the certificate.

If you need to remove an attached endorsement, click the – (minus) symbol to the right of the endorsement.

You can view the endorsement at any time by clicking “View”.

This will show you a preview of the endorsement. To exit the endorsement view, click “Close” in the lower right corner.

When you are ready to attach the selected endorsement(s) to the certificate, click “Attach”.

Above the ACORD form, the Endorsement counter will update to reflect the number of endorsements you have selected to attach to your certificate.

To preview your certificate and attached endorsements in preparation for issuance, click “Review” on the far right of the Certificate Editor Action buttons.

Within the Certificate Review screen, as you scroll through the certificate preview, you will come to the endorsements you’ve attached after the ACORD form preview.

From here, you can proceed with issuance as normal.

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