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Anatomy of the Certificate Editor

This section will break down the various segments of the Certificate Editor.

For a comprehensive walkthrough, click HERE.

Scroll through the guide below.


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What is the Certificate Editor?

The Certificate Editor is the instrument used for creating, revising, and issuing certificates of insurance (COI). In this user-friendly interface, each tab and grey selector has its own importance, allowing you to easily customize any part of the certificate.

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Notes Tab

The Notes tab of the Certificate Editor will display notes pertaining to the Insured(s) and the Certificate.

Insured Notes: General information regarding the Insured(s) and COI processing instructions.

Certificate Notes: Information regarding the specific COI.

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History Tab

The History tab offers an overview of the certificate’s life cycle providing an audit of actions related to the certificate. This includes key information such as the issuance date and any subsequent revisions made to the COI after issuance.

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Certificate Insurance Documents (CID) Tab

The Certificate Issuance Document (CID) is a document that details what is required for processing certificates. If a CID is used by an Agency, it will be displayed within the CID tab.

If the CID is not showing and needs to be added, it can be uploaded within the Certificate Editor as well.

The three above sections will always display, regardless how you have started your certificate.

If starting a certificate by uploading a contract or by entering the insurance clause, the next three additional tabs will populate.

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Contracts Tab

If a contract is uploaded or insurance clause is entered, a copy of the contract or insurance clause verbiage will be available for reference within the Contract tab.

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Insurance Tab

If a contract is uploaded or insurance clause is entered, the details of the insurance requirements will be displayed within the Insurance tab.

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Requirements Tab

If a contract is uploaded or insurance clause is entered, you will find the contractually required LOBs within the Requirements tab. This will display any compliant and/or non-compliant policies.

You can expand the LOB to review the coverage requirements extracted from the uploaded contract or manually entered insurance clause.

Requirements - Non-Compliant Line of Business(es) (LOB)

A non-compliant LOB will be easily identifiable by a highlighted red boarder. To view what is not complaint, you can expand the LOB and a red message will alert you identifying the coverage(s) within the policy is not compliant with the uploaded contract or manually entered insurance clause.

Requirements - Compliant Line of Business(es) (LOB)

A compliant LOB, the LOB will not have a highlighted red boarder. To verify compliance, you can expand the LOB, and review the coverage requirements identified from the uploaded contract or manually entered insurance clause.

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Certificate Preview

The certificate preview on the right provides a real-time display of any additions and edits you make to a certificate. The GREY selectors indicate areas on the certificate that you can interact with and modify.

You can customize or modify your certificate of insurance by choosing any of the following grey selectors:

  • Agency contact name, number, and email
  • Named Insured
  • Certificate policies
  • Description of Operations
  • Certificate Holder
  • Signature

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Interactive Grey Selectors

Updating the Agency Contact

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Agency Contact" walkthrough.    

Updating the Named Insured

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Named Insured" walkthrough.

Updating the Policies

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Policies" walkthrough.

Updating the Description of Operations

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Description of Operations" walkthrough.

Updating the Certificate Holder

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Certificate Holder" walkthrough.

Updating the Signature

Click HERE to access the “Updating the Signature" walkthrough.

Completing the Certificate

Once you have completed the creation of your certificate, there are several next options you can take. Across the top of the Certificate Editor, you will find the Editor Action buttons.

Click HERE to access the “Completing & Issuing the Certificate" walkthrough.

Assigning the Certificate

To assign a certificate to another team member to review or work on, click “Assign”.

Deleting a Certificate in Progress

If a certificate is no longer needed prior to issuance, click “Delete”.

Saving as a Certificate Template

To save the certificate details you just created as a certificate template for future use, click “Save as Template”.

Saving Certificate for Later

To save the certificate to come back to work on later, click “Save”.

Reviewing the Certificate

To preview the certificate and prepare for distribution, click “Review”.

From here, you can review the certificate you just created and prepare for distribution via email/fax.

Certificate Issuance

“Complete” will issue the certificate without distribution and without downloading a copy.

“Complete & Download” will issue the certificate without distribution and will download a PDF copy.

“Complete & Email” will issue the certificate and distribute per your email distribution instructions.

“Complete & Fax” will issue the certificate and distribute per your fax distribution instructions.

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