Updating the Description of Operations

Learn how to utilize the Description of Operations Language Library: Adding FREEFORM verbiage, SELECTING existing templates, EDITING existing templates, CREATING new templates.

To add verbiage to your Description of Operations (DOO), click “Edit Description of Operations”.

You will now be able to update the DOO verbiage within the Certificate Editor.

Please Note: Any previously selected Additional Named Insureds will be reflected in the “Additional Named Insureds” box, indicating this will be present in the DOO as well.

You can either select previously entered verbiage templates from the Language Library, or manually enter the verbiage in the free form DOO box.

Language Library

To view your verbiage templates, click “Language Library”.

You can search for your desired language library template by scrolling through the existing entries, or by utilizing the type ahead search bar at the top.

Once you found the language you want to add, check the box on the far left.

From here you can either edit that existing template or add to the DOO.

Editing Language Library Template

To add an existing Language Library template, ensure the template you want to edit is checked and click “Edit”.

Within the edit form, proceed with the revisions and click “Save”.

Create a New Language Library Template

To create a new Language Library template, click “Create New”.

Within the create form, fill out the applicable fields and click “Save”.

Once you have selected, revised, or added a template, ensure the template is checked and click “Add Description of Operations”.

After you’ve finished adding all language from the library, click “Close”.

The Description of Operations also allows for free form edits. You can manually type out the DOO verbiage or include additional verbiage to a template added from the Language Library.

Once you have reviewed the verbiage to be referenced on the certificate, click “Update Certificate” to reflect the change to the certificate.

The DOO on the certificate has been updated:

Anything that did not fit on the first page of the certificate has overflowed to the additional remarks schedule of the certificate, also known as the Certificate Hero 101:

Continue to “Updating and Adding Endorsements"


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