This method will allow you to start processing the COI by selecting an ACORD Form on which to build a COI. Upon selecting the desired ACORD Form type, you can add the required LOBs to the COI, or select an existing COI template.
To download a comprehensive step-by-step walkthrough, click HERE.
This guide will review selecting the most common ACORD form, the ACORD 25.
You will learn how to issue using a blank ACORD Form and using a COI Template.
To begin, drop down the “Certificates” menu and click “Manager”.
Within the Certificate Manager, click the orange “Create Certificate” button.
Select the desired ACORD form type.
You can select a previously created COI Template, or to continue without a template with a blank ACORD Form.
Using a blank ACORD Form
After selecting the desired ACORD form and template preference, click the blue “Create Certificate” button.
This will bring you to the Certificate Editor, which is split in two sections – the COI resources on the left and a preview of the ACORD Form itself on the right.
The certificate preview on the right provides a real-time display of any additions and edits you make to a certificate.
The GREY selectors indicate areas on the certificate that you can interact with and modify.
You can customize or modify your certificate of insurance by choosing any of the following grey selectors:
- Agency contact name, number, and email
- Named Insured
- Certificate policies
- Description of Operations
- Certificate Holder
- Signature
When beginning your certificate with a blank ACORD Form, you will utilize the above grey selectors to fill out the various fields of the certificate.
The following fields will start off without data entered. Click the links to learn how to select and update these blank fields:
- Selecting the Policies/LOB profiles
- Entering the Certificate Holder
- Adding verbiage to the Description of Operations
- Attaching Endorsements
The following fields will start off with the selected default data entered. Click the links to learn how to select and update these fields:
Using a COI Template
Certificate Hero templates are designed to contain pre-entered policy information and data that can be used when starting a certificate. When you select a template to issue from, the system automatically populates the pre-entered policy information and data.
Importantly, any changes made to the certificate during the processing flow will only modify that specific certificate, leaving the original template intact.
After selecting the ACORD Form type, select the template you would like to use.
To proceed, click the blue "Create Certificate" button.
This will bring you to the Certificate Editor, which is split in two sections – the COI resources on the left and a preview of the ACORD Form itself on the right.
The system will populate the policy information and data that was pre-entered on the COI Template.
If any changes need to be made to the certificate during the processing flow, this will modify only this specific certificate, leaving the original template intact. To learn how to update any of the fields on the certificate, click the links below:
- Selecting the Policies/LOB profiles
- Entering the Certificate Holder
- Adding verbiage to the Description of Operations
- Attaching Endorsements
- Named Insured
- Agency Contact
- Signature