How to Process a Renewal

Learn how to renew your certificates in record time!

Tips & Tricks for Your Renewal

Prior to starting your renewal, we have gathered common questions and best practices for agencies while moving through the Certificate Renewal flow.

For our tips & tricks to assist you with kicking off your renewal, click HERE.

To download a comprehensive step-by-step walkthrough, click HERE.


See below for a full video walkthrough:

Scroll through the walkthrough below to review processing a renewal.


Locate and click the topic below to jump to that segment of the walkthrough.  

Starting the Renewal

To begin a renewal, drop down the Certificates menu and click the “Bulk Jobs”.

On the next screen click "+ Create Bulk Job" in the upper right corner.

Within the slide-out menu, you’ll receive a message advising you that it’s going to pull in only active certificates. You’ll also be notified that throughout the process you’re going to renew your underlying policies, line of business profiles and endorsements.

Select the "Renewal" bulk job type.

Give your renewal a name.

And then click "Create".

Please Note: Only one renewal per insured at a time can be in progress.

After clicking “Start Renewal”, you’ll see each future step across the top, highlighting the step you’re currently on.

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Step 1 – Confirm Certificates

The first step will confirm the certificates you are renewing.

Any active certificates being issued with the renewal will display here.

Most of the time this will just be a confirmation step.

However, if a certificate clean-up has not yet taken place, or a certificate was missed during clean up, you can do that from here prior to moving forward with the renewal, within the Actions menu on the far right.

Click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 2 – Renew Policies 

Step two will bring you in to renew your policies.

This section will display any policy that is displayed on at least one certificate that was pulled into the renewal.

On the left, you will see the expiring policies.

On the right, you will see the option to link the renewal policies to replace the expiring policies.

Click the policy drop down and select the renewal policy.

If the policy is not being renewed and no longer needs to be shown on the certificates, during this step of the renewal flow, you can slick “Drop Policy”. This will remove the policy from the certificates it is referenced on while still allowing you to proceed with renewing the rest of the policies.

Import Policy

If you do not see the renewal policy readily available, it may need to be imported from your AMS. This can be done within this same dropdown menu.

In the "Link New Policies" dropdown, select the policy to import. You will then be prompted to confirm the Policy details. In some cases, you may have to enter the NAIC Number (using the “NAIC Look-Up” button). When ready to import, click “Import”.

The policy will now appear available and selected in the "Link New Policies" menu.

Repeat this step for each renewing policy.

Renew a Single Policy

In the event that only one Policy needs to be renewed during the renewal flow (i.e., when one policy is up for renewal with a different renewal date than the rest), you will only select the renewal policy from the "Link New Policies" drop down for the applicable policy. 

The remaining policies do not need action taken, and you can proceed with the renewal flow.

At this point, only the certificates with this one renewing policy will be renewed. If the single renewing policy is not referenced on any other certificates, those will not be touched for this renewal.

Please Note: The renewal policy information is pulled from your Agency Management System (AMS). If you have renewal policy information entered in your AMS, you’ll see the future policy to link for the renewal in Certificate Hero due to the integration with your AMS.


Click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 3 – Renew Profiles

Step three will renew the Line of Business (LOB) profiles.

Because Certificate Hero knows which certificates were expiring, the system also knows what the expiring LOB profiles are.

Assuming nothing changed, Certificate Hero will take the expiring LOB profiles and make a copy of them, referencing the renewal policies.

If there were changes to the limits from the expiring term, Certificate Hero will bring attention to anything needing review within the “Processed” column, indicating with a red X.

Click “Edit” to enter the LOB profile and review what changed.

In the example below, the renewal limits increased from $1M/$2m to $2m/$4m.

You can decide if you want the limits within the LOB profiles to remain as they previously displayed for the renewal. Or, if you would like to pull the renewing limits, click the button under “Revert?” to apply the new limits.

To continue, click “Confirm”.

Certificate Hero will prompt for you to review the LOB profiles, regardless of if any were made.

After reviewing, click “Save”.

Please Note: While you are unable to increase the limits pulled from your AMS to show on the certificate, you can update to show a lower limit

Once you have resolved any issues in this step, the processed column will update with a green checkmark.

Click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 4 – Renew Endorsements

Step four will take you in to renew your endorsements.

Like the previous step, assuming nothing change, Certificate Hero will make a copy of your expiring endorsement for the renewing term.

If nothing changed, this also becomes a confirmation step, and you can move along the process.

However, if something did change resulting in the need to update the endorsement, click the dropdown under the “Replace Endorsement” column and click “Create New Endorsement”.

On the next screen, click “Select Endorsement Form”.

You can either create a new endorsement form or locate and select an existing endorsement form.

After selecting your endorsement form, click “Select Endorsement Form”.

Because the policy associated with this endorsement was already renewed, that field will already be filled out.

Enter the new endorsement name and select to either use an existing endorsement form or upload your own. When complete, click “Save”.

After making any applicable changes to the endorsements, click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 5 – Renew Certificate Templates

Step 5 will take you in to renew any certificate templates on file that contain one or more of the expiring policies.

The templates are comprised of policies, LOB profiles and endorsements that were already renewed in the three previous sections. So, Certificate Hero will again take any existing template and make a copy of them, referencing the renewal information.

Assuming nothing within your templates will have changed, this step will also become a confirmation step.

If you need to view or make changes to your templates, you can select edit within the Actions menu on the far right.

After making any applicable changes to the endorsements, click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 6 – Renew CIDs

The sixth step will allow you to renew any Certificate Issuance Documents (CIDs) on file for the insured, if any are on file.

If you do not have a CID on file for the insure and need to add one, you can add it here by clicking “Click Here to Upload”.

If you do not utilize CIDs, the feature can be turned off for your agency, and this step will disappear for future renewals.

Click “Next” to continue to the next step.

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Step 7 – Update Certificates

The final step of the renewal flow will take you to review and issue your renewal certificates.

Most of the time at this stage, this step is another confirmation step, your renewal is complete, and you’re ready for issuance.

However, if additional certificate revisions are needed to prior to issuing the renewal, select the certificate to revise and click “Edit” within the Actions menu on the far right.

You can also remove a certificate if it is found to be no longer needed by clicking “Remove From Renewal”.

If a group of certificates need revisions prior to issuing the renewal, select the group of certificates requiring the change and select “Bulk Edit” within the “Batch Action(s)” dropdown.

This will open the Bulk Editor.

Locate the area within the bulk editor you need to revise and proceed with the revision.

When the required changes are made, click “Complete Bulk Edit” in the upper right corner.

After reviewing the renewal certificates, you are ready to issue the certificates.

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Issuing the Renewal Certificates

When you are ready to issue your certificates, you’ll notice the “Next” button we were previously clicking in the upper right corner has now changed to “Renew”.

To proceed with renewal issuance, click “Renew”.

You will receive a prompt that indicates how many certificates are going to be issued.

If any certificates have distribution instructions that were added at mid-term issuance, this will be indicated in the prompt as well.

You’ll also be asked if you want to download a copy of the certificates, send via email according to the mid-term distribution, and exclude the endorsement attachments.

Click “Issue” to proceed with issuance.

This will generate your renewal certificates and you will be directed back to your Certificate Manager.

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Edit or Cancel a Renewal in Progress

It was mentioned earlier that only one renewal per insured can be in progress. Within the Certificate Manager, a calendar icon will display on any certificates that are part of a renewal, indicating a renewal is in progress. Hovering over the icon will also advise of the renewal.

If you had to leave your renewal for any reason, you can return to your renewal the same way it was initially started.

Upon re-entering your renewal, you will be prompted to cancel the renewal if it is no longer needed, or to edit the renewal if you need to continue with the flow.

If you selected to cancel the renewal, you will receive a confirmation prompt.

Click “Yes” to proceed with cancelling the renewal and you will be brought back to your Certificate Manager.

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