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User Management

Create and Manage Users

Through the User Management page, you can invite and manage users within your Certificate Hero environment. To invite a user, please see INVITE USER for more information. For management of users, continue reading below. 


There are three user statuses: ACTIVE, INVITED, INACTIVE

  1. ACTIVE - An active user can log-in and use Certificate Hero
  2. INVITED - An invited user has an invitation pending to join Certificate Hero
  3. INACTIVE - An inactive user will be unable to enter the Certificate Hero website. They will be told their user is not enabled and to reach out to an Administrator. 


There are two actions available from the User Management Page: EDIT, INVITE USER

  1. EDIT - editing a user allows you to update their:
    1. User Status - Active or Inactive
    2. User Type - Broker or Insured
    3. Division - broker user only
    4. Allowed Insured - insured user only
    5. Name
    6. Current Insured
    7. Group

  2.   INVITE USER - You can invite a new user to Certificate Hero. Please see INVITE USER       for more information.