Bulk Jobs

Bulk jobs allow a user to make changes to multiple certificates at one time from one simple menu.


Certificate Hero offers two different types of Bulk Jobs. These include midterm certificate Bulk Revisions, and certificate Renewals.

Bulk Revision

A bulk revision allows a user to make changes to multiple certificates at once, and this type of revision typically takes place midterm. An example why this method may be utilized is when an Insured or Holder requests an update to a specific group of certificates. 

To learn how to process a Bulk Revision, click HERE.


When a certificate is issued, the policy information represented on the form states a date range for which the data is valid. Once the policy period ends, the certificates expire and have to be renewed with the policy data for the new term. The certificate renewal process is found within the Bulk Jobs.

To learn how to process a Renewal, click HERE.