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Certificate Hero Guardrails

Certificate Hero has set into place important Guardrails to provide assurance of accurate and efficient certificate and renewal processing flows.

Integration with your agency management system helps Certificate Hero set important Guard rails in place to provide assurance to your agency that certain items cannot be overlooked, or accidental mistakes to be made. The guardrails will bring attention to specific items during the certificate processing and renewal flows, and ensure limits and coverages an insured does not have is not referenced on a certificate.

To download a comprehensive overview, click HERE.


See below for a full video walkthrough: 

    Non-Compliant Coverages

    Within the “Requirements” tab, we’ll find the first guardrail we’ll cover: Non-Compliant Coverages, which we will split into two parts.

    A non-compliant coverage means that at least one coverage within a line of business is not compliant with the contract. This guardrail will be present when uploading a contract or copying and pasting insurance clause into Certificate Hero.

    Part 1

    Certificate Hero will only populate onto the ACORD form limits the insured actually carries, according to the Agency Management System.

    If the contract or insurance clause requires limits higher than the insured carries, Certificate Hero will only populate up to the amount the insured carries.

    Requirements Grid:

    What populated on the ACORD form:

    Part 2

    If the insured does not carry a coverage required within an uploaded contract or insurance clause, the system will not populate the policy onto the ACORD form.

    For example, if an uploaded contract states that the certificate must reference Crime insurance, and the insured does not carry crime insurance, Certificate Hero will not populate the policy on the ACORD form. This is confirmed by our integration with an agency’s AMS.

    Limits Referenced on the ACORD Form

    After uploading a contract or insurance clause, while editing or reviewing a policy within Certificate Hero, we’ll encounter the second guardrail we’ll cover: You can never show limits on a certificate that are higher than what the insured actually carries.

    If the contract or insurance clause requires limits higher than the insured carries, a user will not be able to enter values that are higher than the insured carries. Certificate Hero will revert the higher limit back to the AMS value. However, the system will allow a user to enter limits that are lower than the insured carries, if applicable.

    The Insured’s Limit:

    Limits less than what the insured carries are allowed to be referenced:


    Limits higher than the insured carries cannot referenced:

    The system will override the higher limits, reverting it back to the insured’s limit.


    After uploading a contract or insurance clause, while adding or reviewing the endorsements, we’ll encounter the third guardrail we’ll cover: You cannot add an endorsement for a policy that is not referenced on a certificate of insurance.

    In the example below, an endorsement for the Boiler and Machinery policy is referenced, but grayed out, and the user cannot select it. This it because this policy is not referenced on the certificate.


    While working through the step-by-step renewal flow, we’ll encounter the final guardrail we’ll cover: If any changes made within the AMS were captured by Certificate Hero that need to be addressed during the renewal, the system will bring attention to these lines of business.

    According to what was entered in the AMS for a renewal policy, due to Certificate Hero’s AMS integration, the system will pick up on the changes and the “Processed” column will contain a red X to bring to our attention to the change.

    We’ll need to resolve any captured changes before we can click “Next” to proceed with the renewal.

    To view and determine the next step, we’ll click the “Edit” button on the far right.

    Within the LOB Profile screen, we can decide how they would like to proceed with any issues indicated and click “Confirm” when resolved.

    After resolving any captured changes, we’ll be brought back to the Profiles step within the renewal flow and can now proceed to the next renewal step by clicking “Next”.

    Similar red X indications will be present throughout the steps if anything else needs your attention.

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