Setting Up Permission Groups

Group permissions will allow you to set up and manage user groups to assign permissions for using the website.

User Groups are used to determine sets of permissions before assigning users to those groups. With Admin permissions, a user can create and manage the groups and roles they assign their users to. This includes both internal agency users permission groups, and insured site permission groups (if applicable to your agency). 

Creating a Group

To access the User Groups, within the lefthand menu, click “ADMIN”. Then click “Groups”.

To create a User Group, begin by clicking the orange “CREATE GROUP” button.

Provide the User Group a name and select whether the group relates to Insured users, or internal Broker users.

Note: It is recommended to name the group to coincide with the role. For example, “Agency Admin Users” could pertain to broker users with admin permissions; or Insured – Template Only for insured users only permitted to issue certificates from Certificate Templates.  

After naming the group, use the accordion drop-downs to open the various permission sections and check off the permission(s) you wish to enable for the group you are creating.

Selecting User Group Permissions

While selecting the permissions, you can reference the Tool Tip icons to review additional information on the permission.

For example, the Tool Tip for Access Certificates explains enabling this permission will allow the user to have left-hand navigation bar access to the Certificate Manager.

If a prerequisite permission is required, the Tool Tip icon can be used to identify what is required to enable to permission you are currently on.

For example, the Tool Tip for creating insured notes will advise access to insured notes is required first.

Once the desired permissions for the group are enabled, click the blue “CREATE GROUP” button at the bottom of the screen to activate the group.

Users can now be assigned to this group and given the associated permissions.

To download a complete list of the Agency Group Permission Definitions, click HERE.

To download a complete list of the Insured Site Group Permission Definitions, click HERE.

For a complete PDF walkthrough of the above steps, with the permission definitions included, click HERE.