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Group Permissions

Set up and manage user groups in order to assign permissions for using the website

User Groups are used to determine sets of permissions and then assign users to those roles. With Admin permission, a user can create and manage the groups and roles they assign their users to.

Group Management

From the manager, a user can edit an existing group using the action dots on the far right or they can create a new group.

To create a new group, first name the group. It is recommended to name the group to coincide with the role. For example, BROKER - ADMIN for broker users with admin permissions or INSURED - TEMPLATE ONLY for insured users only permitted to issue certificates from Certificate Templates. 

After naming the group, use the accordion drop-downs to open up different sections and check off any permissions you wish to enable for this group.

Group Mgt - Create

While creating groups, you may see two different icons. The first, an ‘i’ within a circle, represents a Tool Tip. Hovering over the icon will add additional information on the permission. For example, the Tool Tip for Access Certificates explains enabling this permission will allow the user to have left-hand navigation bar access to the Certificate Manager. 

The second icon is an exclamation point within a triangle. This is to warn a user there are dependencies on this permission. Hovering over the icon will inform the user which permissions are required to enable this one. 

Group Mgt - Dependencies

Once the user has enabled the permissions they desire for this group, they select CREATE GROUP at the bottom of the screen. This will activate the group. Now, users can be assigned to this group and given the associated permissions.