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Certificate Manager

The Certificate Manager allows a user to manage existing certificates for a client as well as create new certificates.

Certificate Manager Components:

  1. INSURED SEARCH - This is a type-ahead dropdown list of insureds the user has access to. Selecting an insured here will update the table grid to that insured’s certificates and allow the user to create a new certificate for this insured.
  2. TOGGLE COLUMNS - The user can show or hide columns depending on their preference. Other table manipulations include moving column position, expanding and shrinking column size as well sorting by column.
  3. CREATE CERTIFICATE - When the user selects CREATE CERTIFICATE, they are prompted to create a certificate. For more details, see Section: CREATE A CERTIFICATE
  4. SEARCH CERTIFICATES - The search bar allows the user to search across certificate fields with specific filters available by selecting the FILTER dropdown to the right of the bar.
  5. CERTIFICATE ACTIONS - Certificates have different actions allowed depending on their status. By selecting the three dots on the far right, the user can choose from a list of actions.

Individual Certificate Actions

Actions depend on certificate status. 

In Progress certificates have two actions, VIEW and DELETE. VIEW brings the user to the Certificate Editor to complete the certificate. DELETE deletes the selected certificate.

Inactive certificates have been completed and then deactivated. Deactivated certificates only have the following set of actions: VIEW and ACTIVATE.

Overridden certificates are a record of a certificate that has since been revised. Certificate Hero keeps a record of the original certificate if it needs to be referenced. Overridden certificates only have one available single action: VIEW. 

Active certificates have an expanded action list including VIEW, REVISE, CLONE, DOWNLOAD, DEACTIVATE

  1. VIEW - Brings the user to the Certificate Review screen to view the completed certificate.
  2. REVISE - Brings the user to the Certificate Editor, where they can make any changes necessary to the certificate and then complete it. The original certificate will be overridden and the newly revised certificate will become active.
  3. CLONE - Creates a second, original copy of the cloned certificate. The user can then make any updates or changes needed. Both the original and cloned certificates will be active at the end of this process.
  4. DOWNLOAD - Downloads the PDF of the certificate
  5. DEACTIVATE - Changes the certificate status to Inactive. Inactive certificates can only be viewed. They cannot be acted upon in any other way unless they are made active again.

Batch Actions

When the user selects two or more certificates, they can perform BATCH ACTIONS. Batch Actions include: DEACTIVATE, ACTIVATE, REVISE, DOWNLOAD

  1. DEACTIVATE - If selected certificates have the status of Active, their status will be changed to Inactive
  2. ACTIVATE - If selected Certificates have the status of Inactive, their status will be changed to Active
  3. REVISE - If selected certificates have the status of Active, they will be moved into a Bulk Revision. See BULK REVISIONS for more information. 
  4. DOWNLOAD - The user will be prompted to download the selected certificates in a single PDF or a zip file of individual PDFs.