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Certificate Blocks - Named Insured Manager

How to create and manage named insureds.

The Named Insured Manager allows users to create, edit, activate, deactivate, or bulk upload named insureds. These named insureds are accessed from the Certificate Editor or Template Editor using the named insured selector. 

Named insureds can be created one at a time by using the + CREATE NAMED INSURED. A modal will pop up to input the named insured’s information. The only required field is the Name.

Users also can use the BULK UPLOAD to upload multiple named insureds at once. Once the user completes the CSV, they drag and drop it or upload it and then import the named insureds. The named insureds in the CSV will be added to the system and can be accessed from the Certificate Editor and Template Editor. 

CSV columns include:

  1. Name
  2. Address1
  3. Address2
  4. City
  5. State (Two letter abbreviation)
  6. Zip Code

Please note: The first named insured (the account name) will be populated through Certificate Hero's integration with the broker's Agency Management System. This will serve as the default Named Insured and will populate automatically when a user enters the Template Editor or Certificate Editor.

If an agency or brokerage would like additional named insureds to pull through from the AMS as well, please speak to your Certificate Hero representative to discuss this process.