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Certificate Blocks - Line of Business Manager

How to create and manage line of business templates.

Line of Business profiles are blocks of coverages unique to a line of business and Acord form. These blocks, once created, can be added to the Certificate Editor or Template Editor in order to display policies and coverages.

LOB Profile - mgr

The LOB manager displays the current LOB profiles for the insured in the top search bar. The user can edit, activate, or deactivate the existing profile from the manager or create a new profile. 

When the user selects + CREATE PROFILE, the create screen will pop up. The user is prompted to fill out four fields.

LOB Profile - create 2

1. Acord Form - the user selects the Acord form they are building their profile for

2. Policy - the user selects the policy. If the user doesn't see the policy they want, check POLICY MANAGER to make sure the insured's policies are in the Certificate Hero system.

3. LOB Type - based on the policy chosen in the step before, the user will have a list of associated lines of businesses to select from

4. Profile Name - the user names their profile. Profile names must be unique across the insured. Certificate Hero will give each Profile a prefix showing the Year of the Policy Effective Date for ease of naming.

Optional: The user can set this LOB profile as default. A default LOB profile is pulled through during contract parsing when a contract requires a line of business. For example, if a user creates two GL profiles, GL MAIN (default) and GL EXTRA COVERAGES, if a user created a certificate using a contract that required general liability coverage, the GL MAIN profile would auto-populate on the certificate editor. 

Once the user completes these steps, the LOB creator will expand. The view will differ depending on the Acord form and line of business selected. An example of the Acord 25 - General Liability form is below:

An Acord 25 - Auto would look like this:

Regardless of the Acord form or LOB type, the LOB profile creator works the same. Any coverages Certificate Hero has mapped from the user's Agency Management System will pull through automatically.

Overflow coverages will populate on the Certificate Hero Acord 101 Overflow page. 

The primary coverages will populate in their box on the Acord form with a note to see below for additional coverages. See the example below: 

(Acord 25 - Auto Section)

(Acord 101 - Overflow)

As seen above, once LOB profile are created, they can be added to or removed from the Template Editor or Certificate Editor.