Holder Manager

How to create and manage certificate holders.

Certificate Hero offers a global Holder library that can be reused amongst off of an agency's insureds. When a new holder is added to a certificate, it adds the holder to this library. Users can create and manage certificate holders from the Holder Manager.


To access the Holder manager, within the Managers menu, select "Holders".


This will bring you to the Holder Library.


To add a new holder, click the orange "+ Create Holder" button.


This will bring up the Create Holder editor. 


Enter the Holder name. 

Certificate holders may have zero or more addresses attached to them. To add an address, click the "Add Address" button after entering the holder name.


On the next screen, add the holder address. If there is an email address, phone number or fax number associated with the holder, this can be added here as well.

When ready to save the address, click the blue "Add Address" button.


If you'd like to see a preview of how the Holder will display on the certificate, in the lower left, click the "Show Preview" button.


To save the new Holder, click the blue "Save" button.


This will bring you back to the Holder manager and the new holder will display amongst the rest in the library.


Active Holders have three actions that can take place.

Edit - this action will allow you to edit to existing holder. Including updating the name, adding, editing or removing addresses, and updating the email, phone and fax information.

Deactivate - this action will allow you to deactivate the holder. This will give it a new status of inactivate and will remove it from view. Deactive holders can be accessed again later using the filters.

Delete -  Deactivate - this action will allow you to delete the holder. This will completely remove the holder from Certificate Hero.