How to create and manage the Endorsements Forms Library and Endorsements.
What is the difference between the Endorsement Forms tab and Endorsements tab?
Endorsement Forms Library
The Endorsement Form Library is a repository of uploaded endorsement forms that can be reused across all insureds. These forms are generally blanket forms, free from any insured-specific data. With the implementation of endorsement tagging, selecting an endorsement from the library for a specific insured will automatically pull through the insured-specific data.
Insured Endorsements Library
The Insured Endorsements Library contains endorsements selected from the Endorsement Form Library for specific insureds.
Continue reading below to learn how to create and manage the Endorsements Forms Library.
To access the endorsements, under the Managers menu, click "Endorsements".
This will bring you to your endorsements library, which is split into two sections:
Insured Endorsements Library
Endorsements Forms (Global) Library
Endorsement Form Library
To create an endorsement form to add to the Forms library, within the "Forms" tab of the Endorsement manager, click the orange "+ Create Endorsement Form" button.
This will bring you to the Endorsement Form creator.
While creating the endorsement form, the following areas are required to be filled out:
Form Name - the name given to the endorsement form to easily identify it within the endorsement form library manager.
Form Number - the form number of the endorsement.
Edition Date - the endorsement's edition date.
Line of Business - the policy the endorsement is being uploaded for (i.e., General Liability, etc.).
Coverages - the coverages this endorsement applies to (i.e., additional insured, waiver of subrogation, etc.).
The Insurance Company is not required, but can be added if preferred.
The document will also need to be uploaded.
After uploading the document, it can be viewed within the left hand preview screen. The system will also now allow endorsement tagging to be added.
Click "Save" in the lower right to save the form to the library.
Once the tagging has been selected, it can be dragged and placed anywhere desired on the form.
This will bring you back to the Endorsements Form Library manager.
if the endorsement form needs to be edits, click the "Actions" menu and select edit, to return to the editor.
Insured Specific Endorsements Library
To add an endorsement to an insured's library, within the Endorsements tab, click the orange "+ Create Endorsement" button.
This will bring you to the Endorsement editor. Click the blue "Select Endorsement Form" button to select an existing form from the library to link to the insured.
You will then be prompted to select the form you would like to use. Once you have made your selection, click the blue "Select Endorsement Form" button.
You will be brought back to the editor where you will need to fill out the following fields:
Endorsement Name - this is the name given to the endorsement to easily identify it within the insureds endorsement library manager.
Policy - select the insured's policy this endorsement is for.
Within the left preview screen, you will see the placeholders for the tagging that was set up while creating the endorsement form.
When you are ready to proceed, click the blue "Save" button.
This will bring you back to the insured's endorsement library where the endorsement will now display.
An active endorsement in the insured's library will have actions available:
Edit - this will allow you to edit the endorsement.
Clone - this will allow you to make an exact copy of the endorsement that can be modified if a slightly revised version of the endorsement is needed.
Delete - this will allow you to delete the endorsement, completely removing it from Certificate Hero. This action will make the endorsement unable to view again.
Deactivate - this will you to deactivate the endorsement, removing it from view. This action will give the endorsement a new status of inactive, and it can be viewed again by utilizing the filters.