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Certificate Blocks - Endorsements

How to create and manage endorsements.

Endorsements are PDF attachments associated with one or more coverages and linked to a specific insured. Endorsements can be edited, activated, or deactivated from the Endorsement Manager. They can also be created. 

The + CREATE ENDORSEMENT will guide the user through creating an endorsement. The first step will be to choose an existing endorsement form. See below section: ENDORSEMENT FORMS for details.

Once the user selects an endorsement form, they will be brought to the endorsement editor. Several fields will be read-only as the information populates from the chosen endorsement form. These fields are Form Name, Insurance Company, Form Number, Edition Date, Line of Business, and Coverages.

The fields for the user to complete are Endorsement Name, Policy/LOB, Description, Endorsement File, Tags.

  1. Endorsement Name: Required Field. Must be unique within an insured. Certificate Hero adds as a prefix the year from the Policy Effective Date for ease of naming.
  2. Policy/LOB: Required field. Using the dropdown, the user selects the policy this endorsement is associated with. Only policies containing the line of business noted in the area above will populate in the dropdown. This endorsement can only be attached if its associated policy is displayed on the Template Editor or Certificate Editor. 
  3. Description: Optional Field. The user may enter a description for the endorsement
  4. Endorsement File: Required field. The user can use the PDF from the Endorsement Form or upload a new PDF file.
  5. Tags: Optional Field. The user may choose to add Endorsement Tags to an Endorsement. Tagging will create a placeholder on the endorsement for Policy Number, Policy Effective Date, Policy Expiration Date, and Named Insured. The endorsement will be tagged based on these fields when attached to a template or certificate.

Once the endorsement is saved, it can be accessed from the Template Editor or Certificate Editor.

Endorsement Forms

Endorsement Forms are high-level, unique forms associated with a specific Form Number, Edition Date, Line of Business, and Coverage(s). The endorsement forms manager is a library for users to access when creating endorsements for specific insureds. 

The Endorsement Forms page is accessed by selecting the Forms tab on the main Endorsement Manager. From here, the user can edit, activate, deactivate existing Endorsement Forms or create a new Endorsement Form. 

+ CREATE ENDORSEMENT FORM brings the user to the Create Endorsement Form page.

From here, the user has the following fields:

  1. Form Name: Required Field. The name the user gives the Endorsement Form.
  2. Insurance Company: Required field. The user selects the Insurance Company from a type-ahead or inputs a new company.
  3. Form Number: Required field. The form number associated with the Endorsement Form.
  4. Edition Date: Required field. The edition date associated with the Endorsement Form.
  5. Line of Business: Required field. The line of business associated with the Endorsement Form. This will determine the policies available at the endorsement level.
  6. Coverage(s): Required Field. The user can select zero or many coverages to associate with this endorsement form. These coverages will be used to supplement insured policy data. For example, if an Endorsement Form notes there is GL - Additional Insured Coverage, an endorsement created from this form will know the insured has GL - Additional Insured Coverage when running contract compliance. 
  7. Upload an endorsement file: Required field. Drag and drop or upload the PDF associated with the endorsement form. It will display in the preview pane.
  8. Tags: Optional Field. The user may choose to add Endorsement Tags to an Endorsement Form. Tagging will create a placeholder on the endorsement for Policy Number, Policy Effective Date, Policy Expiration Date, and Named Insured. This PDF and its tags can be pulled through when creating an endorsement based on this endorsement form.